Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Power of Play, Purpose and Potential in the Workplace

The Power of Play, Purpose and Potential in the WorkplaceThe Power of Play, Purpose and Potential in the WorkplaceThe Power of Play, Purpose and Potential in the Workplace McGregor and Neel Doshi, authors of Primed to Perform How to Build the Highest Performing Cultures Through the Science of Total Motivation (Harper Business, 2015) There is a spectrum of reasons, or motives, for why people perform an activity. ansicht three reasons, which we call direct motives, are directly linked to the activity (in our case, work) and drive performance.Lets gives these three motives a closer look, starting with play.PlayYoure fruchtwein likely to lose weight or succeed in any other endeavor when your motive is play. Play occurs when youre engaging in an activity simply because you enjoy doing it. The work itself is its own reward. Scientists describe this motive as intrinsic.Play is what compels you to take up hobbies, from solving crossword puzzles to making scrapbooks to mixing music. You ma y find play in weight loss by experimenting with healthy recipes or seeking out new restaurants that offer healthy options. Many of us are lucky enough to find play in the workplace too, when we do what we do simply because we enjoy doing it.Curiosity and experimentation are at the heart of play. People intrinsically enjoy learning and adapting. We instinctively seek out opportunities to play.Some companies actively encourage their employees to play in their work. Toyota gives factory workers the opportunity to come up with and test new tools and ideas on the assembly line. W. L. Gore Associates, Google, and a number of other companies encourage play by giving people free time or resources to explore their own ideas.Zappos and Southwest Airlines encourage their people to treat each customer interaction as play. In each case, the organization encourages its people to indulge their curiosity to play in the work itself.Play at work should not be confused with your people playing Ping -Pong or foosball in the break room. For your people to feel play at work, the motive must be fueled by the work itself, not the distraction.Because the play motive is created by the work itself, play is the most direct and most powerful driver of high performance.PurposeA step away from the work itself is the purpose motive. The purpose motive occurs when you do an activity because you value the outcome of the activity (versus the activity itself). You may or may not enjoy the work you do, but you value its impact.You may work as a nurse, for example, because you want to heal patients. You spend your career studying culture because you believe in the impact your work can have on others. Dieters may not enjoy preparing or eating healthy meals, but they deeply value their own health, an outcome of healthy eating.You feel the purpose motive in the workplace when your values and beliefs align with the impact of the work. Apple creates products that inspire and empower its customers, a purpose that is compelling and credible. The medical devices that Medtronic makes save lives when its engineers and technicians see their products in action, it has a powerful effect on them.Walmarts financial services division fueled purpose by kicking off its managementmeetings with a review of how much money the division had saved its customers rather than how much money Walmart had made for itself.A thoughtful organization can create authentic purpose for just about any type of work. Yet one of the biggest mistakes a company can make is trumpeting a grandiose purpose that isnt authentic.If a purpose doesnt feel credible, it wont improve your motivation. The purpose motive is one step removed from the work, because the motive isnt the work itself but its outcome. While the purpose motive is a powerful driver of performance, the fact that its a step removed from the work typically makes it a less powerful motive than play.PotentialThe third motive is potential. The potential motiv e occurs when you find a second buchen outcome (versus a direct outcome) of the work that aligns with your values or beliefs. You do the work because it will eventuallylead to something you believe is important, such as your personal goals.For example, you may work as a paralegal because it will help you get into law school. You may not enjoy the day-to-day work of filing briefs (no play motive), and you may not care about helping the kinds of clients your firm represents (no purpose motive), but you continue to do the job because you want to be a public defender one day. You are working to bring about a second order outcome that you do believe in.Dieters motivated by potential eat healthfully to achieve other things they care about the ability to run faster on the football field, for example, or to keep up with their kids.When a company describes a job as a good stepping-stone, theyre attempting to instill the potential motive. Some companies go out of their way to enhance the pot ential motive, offering classes that build skills or knowledge.General Electric draws talent through its reputation as the leadership factory for future CEOs. The potential motive is not as powerful as play or purpose, since it relates to a second order outcome of the work, which is two (or more) steps removed from the work itself.We call play, purpose, and potential the direct motives because theyre the most directly connected to the work itself. As a result, they typically result in the highest levels of performance.If you remember only one thing from Primed to Perform, it should be that a company culture that inspires people to do their jobs for play, purpose, and potential creates the highest and most sustainable performance.From PRIMED TO PERFORM by Neel Doshi and Lindsay McGregor Copyright 2015 by Neel Doshi and Lindsay McGregor. Reprinted courtesy of HarperBusiness, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Learn Morehttps// Podcast Create a High-wertzuwachs C ultureAn interview with author Lindsay McGregorA Culture of Performance An Interview with Lindsay McGregorA transcript of our https// podcast.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Why Is My Job Search Taking So Long

Why Is My Job Search Taking So LongWhy Is My Job Search Taking So LongDont you hate those days when, despite your diligent efforts, your job search doesnt advance one iotano emails, no phone calls, no news. Finding ourselves in the role of seeker is always humbling, even when we are angling to find something as commonplace as missing keys. When our aim is secure employment, a pursuit fundamental to our sense of self and security, its not surprising that we combat feelings of stress and frustration as we search. I remember, during an especially long job search, having high energy days where I was able to dessin up a zen-like attitude about my quest. Then there were those other days when I felt exhausted by the emotional gymnastics the hunt required and I lapsed into a feeling of hopelessness. Its important to recognize that looking for a job puts seekers in kind of pre-transition limbo. Existing in this state is hard. You need to exercise good self care, and you need emotional support . While there are measures you can take to search as strategically and efficiently as possible, there are also many factors that you cant control. Its difficult to have a pressing need that you cant simply sit down and fix. Despite your best efforts, there is only so much that you can do to advance from this limbo state. I know its difficult, but you have to make your peace with that.You dont get to shape this timeline. Your challenge now is to be patient, optimistic and creative as you wait. This can be hard to do if you are stuck in a job you hate, are nervously trying to get yourself back into the workforce or are aching to get your foot in the door. Still, while you may not be able to change the big picture right away, there are other factors that you can alter to make yourself more comfortable while you search and to take your eyes off watching that pot. The cliche holds true that it only seems to boil when you turn attention away. Make Self-Care a PriorityYou are in a time of transition, which may make it difficult to find your emotional balance. Take time to address this. If you have a personal or professional mentor, this would be a good time to connect. This is also an important season in your life to be journaling, exercising, praying, meditating. Do whatever keeps you centered to avoid wild emotional fluctuations. Those are hard on your body and mind. Cover your Bases Search-wise Be thorough and diligent about your search. Fully embrace your role as a seeker, and break the project down into small pieces. One week, for example, work on self-branding. The following week, create a personal website. Become a student of the search so that you know that you are doing everything in your power to get the job you want. Explore Alternatives Many professionals are taking on side jobs and exploring thegig economyto make extra money. Why not give it a shot while you search for your next day job? Between freelancing, consulting, contract work or driving and deliv er jobs, there are a lot of options to explore while you search. Remember Zora Neale Hurston wrote There are years that ask questions and years that answer. Its hard to find ourselves knee-deep in an asking year. Growth hurts, but it also leads us to the selves we are meant to be. Good luck in your search.

Friday, December 20, 2019

When You Can Sue an Employer for Wrongful Termination

When You Can Sue an Employer for Wrongful TerminationWhen You Can Sue an Employer for Wrongful TerminationIf youve recently been terminated for cause, you may be wondering whether your employer was within their rights to fire you- or whether your dismissal constitutes wrongful termination. And, if it turns out you were fired illegally, your next question will probably be whether you can- and should- sue. What Doesnt Count as Wrongful Termination The majority of workers in the United States are employed at will, which means that their employers can fire them for any reason, or no reason at all, provided that the reason isnt discriminatory. (More on that in a minute.) This means thatits usually legal for your employer to terminate your employment unexpectedly, without advanced warning, and to decline to provide a reason for your termination. In fact, many employers choose to offer as little bedrngnisice or explanation as possible, even going so far as to characterize the terminatio n as a layoff, rather than take the risk of violating the law by providing a reason that later turns out to be discriminatory. Bottom line Unless you have an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement that mandates a certain amount of notice, its legal for your employer to fire you without notice. They are also not obligated to provide you with an opportunity to correct issues pertaining to your work performance before terminating your employment. (Although again, as a matter of company policy, many employers will create a standard process for termination that includes a performance improvement plan, both to minimize the chances of legal hassles and to maintain good morale among the staff.) Examples of Wrongful Termination Per federal law, its illegal for employers to discriminate in hiring, firing or vorrcken on the basis of Sex or GenderRace or ColorReligionNational OriginDisabilityPregnancyAge (over 40, per federal law, although some states offer protections for w orkers younger than age 40)Genetic Information Workers can also sue or file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission if they are sexually harassed at work, fired for being a whistleblower, subject to constructive discharge (aka forced to resign), or made to endure a hostile work environment. Questions to Ask Yourself Before Suing 1.Do you feel that the termination was based on discrimination? If so, you will likely have to file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC before filing a job discrimination lawsuit against your former employer. (The exception violations of the Equal Pay Act do not require you to file a charge, provided that you file your suit within two years of the pay discrimination.) Keep in mind that you have a limited amount of time in which to file- generally, 180 days from the time of the incident, although local laws may extend this deadline to 300 days. For more information, see the EEOCs page on filing a discrimination charge. 2.Whats y our goal in suing (and is it realistic?) Do you want money, a change in behavior, or just the satisfaction of knowing that they didnt get away with it, scot-free? Its important to know what your goals are before you get embroiled in a long legal process. Consult with an employment attorney early on, to figure out whether your goals are reasonable. 3.Are you willing to invest time and money in pursuing your case? Unless youre able to find an employment attorney to take your case pro bono, suing is expensive. It can cost thousands of dollars to take a suit to trial. To make matters worse, employers typically have in-house lawyers at the ready to wear you down with delays and postponements. On the other hand, many lawful termination lawsuits never reach trial, often because employers choose to settle. Think about how much time, money, and effort you can afford to put into the process before you proceed. How to Move on After Being Fired Regardless of whether you choose to sue for wr ongful termination, youll need a plan for moving forward after being fired. That means knowing your rights as a (former) employee, including when and where to pick up your final paycheck, whether youre entitled to pay for accrued vacation and sick time, what will happen with your health care benefits, retirement plan, any stock options and more. HR will be able to assist you with these questions, as well as inform you about how the company plans to characterize the dismissal. Its in your best interests to find out now before future employers call asking to verify your employment history. Dont assume that theyll say the worst many organizations have a policy of confirming no more than job title and dates of employment. You may even be entitled to unemployment benefits, depending. You wont know until you ask. Looking toward the future, practice answering interview questions about the termination, and gather references from contacts to bolster your candidacy for jobs. Dont let this rev ersal stand in the way of your success. Many famous and influential people were fired before making their mark on the world, including Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, and Thomas Edison. The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own states laws or the most recent changes to the law.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

First Vice President in Finance Role Overview

First Vice President in Finance Role OverviewFirst Vice President in Finance Role OverviewIn much of the financial services industry, with the proliferation of vice presidents, variations on this job title have been created to deelende higher-ranking Vice Presidents. Job titles and the conventions that surround them can vary widely between firms, especially in the security and banking industries. In fact, some firms may not offer a First Vice President title at all. But traditionally, First Vice President - also called a First VP or FVP - is one of these, typically seen in brokerage, securities, and investment banking firms. A First Vice President usually supervises a small but especially important group of other employees. TheFirst VP may be a recognition title that comes as a result of a promotion in placerather than pursuant to a promotion into a higher rung on the firms management ladder. Other firms may place the punkt higher or lower in their management hierarchies than thei r peers in the industry, relative to other variations on the VP title. Equivalence Between Jobs Recognition titles are not necessarily linked to your place in your firms hierarchy, peers in the organizational chart may have titles of varying prestige. For example, a divisional controller in a matrix reporting relationship with the corporate CFO (solid line) and divisional head (dotted line) probably will have his or her recognition title determined by the corporate CFO. Meanwhile, his or her peers within the division, consisting of various business unit heads, will have titles set by the divisional head. Thus, you may have a case where, for instance, the divisional CFO bears a First VP title, while those peers who are business unit chiefs will have loftier Senior VP titles. Demotions While policies may differ among firms, normally once someone has been granted a particular recognition title, he or she will retain it even after suffering a demotion. In an actual case, a divi sional CFO had serious running disagreements with the corporate CFO, which caused him to fall from favor and be replaced. Held in high regard by the divisional head with whom he had a dotted line reporting relationship as divisional CFO, he had to accept a job one rung below. He became a product manager reporting to one of the business unit heads who formerly was one of his peers, while he was divisional CFO. He retained his First VP title, however, which actually was more appropriate to his new position than to his former post. In a footnote to this case, the corporate CFO was obsessed with management reporting formats and colorful graphics. The divisional CFO was not, being more concerned with the accuracy and relevancy of the data presented therein. When the corporate CFO insisted on including misleading and ill-thought statistics in his reports, and was not sharp enough to grasp the clear, cogent arguments against them that his subordinate offered, this became a cause of great frustration for the latter and led to a very strained relationship that ended in his ouster.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Fundamentals of Bartending Resume Sample Revealed

The Fundamentals of Bartending Resume Sample Revealed The Death of Bartending Resume Sample If you want to submit an application for a position of a waitress then its possible to benefit by utilizing a waitress resume template. Just produce the job description pertinent to the hospitality market. A number of jobs want various templates as you should emphasize a variety of areas of your professional character. Whether there are any distinctive requirements make certain you include the info in your bartender resume. Despite the fact that youve made an amazing sample bartender resume copy. It is possible to download and edit the subsequent bartender resume example and template based on your experience and your abilities. A server bartender resume ought to be simple to write. Skills is equally as lazy means to add on skills you couldnt squeeze into your responsibilities you listed in the aforementioned section. Though education isnt a compulsory criteria but it needs to be furnis hed all the exact same. Although professional experience is often preferred, there are different kinds of experience that managers may think about when searching for servers. If you want to acquire work in the discipline of food service then food service resume templates can assist you with it. Opt for the template which best defines you. You may observe a wide selection of good resume templates and make an informed alternative. Where to Find Bartending Resume Sample Transforming your career to another field doesnt signify youre at a disadvantage. If youve had such an experience, that isnt any less than an achievement As soon as it s wonderful to speak about your skills in your resume, dont hesitate to include your experiences. If you wish to turn into a very good Server Bartender, you should be able to cope with pressure and manage stress. If you own a degree in advertising or marketing then you will certainly get the job. You must have five objective statements. Chronolog ical resumes are the ideal place to highlight your accomplishments. The 30-Second Trick for Bartending Resume Sample Anyone whos looking to submit an application for a job of a bartender or has experience for a bartender and is seeking to earn a resume for themselves can take advantage of the bartender resume samples. The candidate in the subsequent bartenders cover letter concludes by offering to meet up with the employer so he can find a sense of his personality. Since bartending is work which involves a great deal of private interaction with a range of people, its recommended to use your resume summary to demonstrate your communication abilities and bit of your personality. In many instances, you might need to employ extra bartenders, servers and bar backs. The majority of the samples are defined dependent on the job experience of the individual applying. If youre attempting to create an outstanding bartending resume, have a look at the sample bartender resume below to prov ide you with some ideas about what to write in addition to how to compose your own. In some instances, you might be the only bartender readily available to serve 100 or more people. Instead, youve got to tailor your resume to find every job which you employ for. Needless to say, each job will call for unique abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the work description carefully and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. Bartending jobs can oftentimes be tricky to find and even tougher for an aspiring bartender to receive their foot in the door. In addition, you can look for bartender jobs on Monster. Because your objective is really obvious. It is essential that you not only become certified as a bartender to demonstrate your knowledge, but that you keep it in mind while you go about your everyday duties. Well, the solution is yesmost of the moment.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Cv Generator

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Cv Generator Therefore, its very important to get a CV that clearly reflects yur requirements and field of interest. A CV may also be described as an advertising device an individual uses to endorse himself. A CV includes a thorough description of a persons work experience, educational background, and abilities. A CV is your document so that its your choice to pick the proper style, tone and structure, employing the guidance that is available to you. The Basics of Cv Generator You may also get your CV written from professionals or can use CV templates readily available online. Sprint CV supplies a solution. CV templates will also supply you with a notion for what information needs to be included in the CV. Employing a CV template will make a most affective presentation. Additionally, the built-in methods and expert advice can help you compose the perfect resume. A fantastic place to find CV examples is to visit your favo urite universitys web page and distitel the faculty page for your department. Even though the absolutely free template is self-explanatory and easy to use, there are a few fundamental tips which can help you to think of a winning CV. The very best part is it has various unique templates which youll be able to pick for your resume. Choosing Cv Generator CV is simply a sheet of paper that could work like magic for you. How CV can help You Attract Employers In order to guarantee that the aforementioned happens, youve got to work hard on your CV and of course a cover letter, how you present your CV counts and ought to be given importance. If you dont want your CV to appear just enjoy the rest of the CVs, avoid developing a boring CV thats a very long collection of your qualities. The CV plays the extremely important part in the interview. Its better to utilize LinkedIn as intended. Your CV requires standing out from the rest of the CVs sufficient to create the potential company w ould love to consider you in the interview. So, you might want to think about maintaining an individual CV which you use specifically for submitting with applications. The CV writing services might just what youd like to have and the good thing is there are many CV writing services are offered online. If you dont have all kinds of understanding in CV writing then its highly suggested that you take help a specialist. At this point you understand what things to write and the way to organize your ideas. The absolute most important part of advice is to make sure that you are feeling comfortable in whatever its youre wearing. The absolute most recent style of CV writing takes care of the absolute most important details a business looks for. Obtaining the expert services of a CV writer or using expertly written CV templates hold the secret to delivering impact since they are going to have the wisdom and experience needed to make an impressive CV. Also you are going to be learning som e sensible formatting tactics which will make different documents you write, considerably more impressive With our completely free standard CV templates, youll receive a clean, uncluttered layout that permits you to present your experience, qualifications and abilities in the very best light. A CV template, also referred to as a CV blueprint, is the ideal guide for folks that are new to CV writing. Small, but very strong and flexible, it gives an extraordinary sound quality. A CV states a great deal about somebodys personality and the perfect one for the perfect job could result in getting your dream job. The moment you are in possession of a new experience, add it. Search for the vital abilities and think about how your very own past experience is related to the job.